Advisory Work Group


The Advisory Work Group provides thoughts and ideas on activities, advises on improvements to products and services, and evaluates Nevada TRIP project outcomes through collaboration and communication between children and youth with disabilities ages 10-24, support systems, youth service professionals, and community partners. The members of this group will look at the Nevada TRIP project and suggest ways to improve it.


  1. Nevada children (ages 10-13) and youth (ages 14-24) with disabilities
  2. Support systems for Nevada children and youth with disabilities including family members, guardians, and/or advocates (friends, peers)
  3. Youth service professionals (adults who work directly with Nevada children and youth with disabilities in youth development, education, workforce development, disability, etc.) and community partners from:

Member Role

Advisory Work Group members will participate in online meetings and give unique perspectives. They will also suggest ways to make activities better for children and youth with disabilities. The team will include people from different backgrounds, like income, race, culture, language, disability, and gender and will represent northern, southern, and rural Nevada. Their job will be to review the Nevada TRIP website, app, resources and materials, training, etc., and tell how they could be improved.